Please don't, I beg you!

American Idol has unleashed an ugly beast that had previously been confined to karaoke clubs and school bathrooms. The sound of all those people who have convinced themselves, against better judgment, that their voice should be called heavenly (it's really satanic).

Somehow we find it entertaining, often asking ourselves, "is this real?" No one sounds that bad and not hear the screams of hell saying shut-up! It's acceptable because it's on television. We're reminded of those high school talent shows that we could not wait to attend. Not because we wanted to hear the best voice, but because we wanted to see who would emerge with mud on their face (or a frog in their throat).

But there was always one place we knew that we were safe from hearing the crowing of a dead chicken. The church, especially the "black" church. If you wanted to hear great singing, you could count on it every Sunday morning. From the choir stand to the little old lady in the back, somebody was going to sing your socks off. I always new this was true.

However, someone let American Idol bring one of their favorites to my church. And you guessed it, they blew shoes, socks, pantyhose and underwear off the whole church.
And I'm not talking about Fantasia, either. All I could think was, this never happens in a church. People were trying to find a space big enough to hid under the pews. But there was no way to escape the sound of rats trapped in a tin barrel.

Know I'm sure your saying, "but this was for God and not the people." Yea, I would buy that if it weren't for the "I'm better than Fantasia" attitude. If you can't sing and everyone knows it, so should you. Maybe you are good at something else, please, I beg you find out what. We all which we could sing, but some of us have to face it - we will never be on American Idol California.


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