Do We Even Care

At lest 3 times a week I go to the gym with the intention of perfecting this body I've been working on for over four years. The amazing thing is that I often see the same people from the moment I walk in the door until I leave. The same people two to five time in a week.

These people have become fixtures in my quest to enter the world of "look at me". In some ways we are aiming for the same goal; a body of utmost glory. We pass glances to see who notices our technique or the deepening cut in our arm as we lift our last rep.

But the truth is besides the need to be the center of attention, most people could care less about the guy who preceded them on the leg press or the lady who walked passed them at the water fountain. We see them, but do we really see them. Over time we may notice the changes to their body as they tirelessly labor on the treadmill. But what about the changes that take place in their daily lives.

Who are these people I see everyday. Who cares! I'm not there to make friends or care what happens when thy leave. Wait! I must admit there are times when I notice that one of my human fixtures is missing. To think about it, it's been a while since I saw them last.

How many people do I see often, yet know nothing about them. And if I where to tell the truth, I could care less about them. The sad reality - so many people feel the same way about me. Hey, but I think I'm a great person when people get to know me.

"Who cares."


Anonymous said…
No we dont care about the next person. Until we see them on FOX 26 news, an say it was just the other day I saw that person. Now there gone. What makes us not care? We think you are a great preson 2

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