Podcast Episode 14: What Black Democrats and White Republicans Should Know About Black Republicans

Houston - This political season has been one of the nastiest I've seen among Black voters. It isn't the usual disagreements of political ideology, but trash talking and name calling by some Black journalist, bloggers, and social media enthusiast. And I'm sure before November 2016 it will get even worst.

However, I can't help but be disappointed by some of the ugly and childish behavior that is happening between Black Democrats and Republicans. I'm sure much of it is due to the misconceptions of Black Republicans, many who are former Democrats. One of the worst in this childish ungentlemanly behavior is the popular journalist Mr. Roland Martin. Now I'll admit I've never placed him on the same level as Mr. Tavis Smiley, both who may be considered liberl Black journalist. Mr. Smiley is very passionate about social issues, and unashamedly so. But his approach is that of gentleman, though he does not back down for anyone including the supporters of President Obama. But I still expect Mr. Martin to be above name calling of those who vehemently disagree with. Mr. Martin isn't alone, but his post run through my Tweeter and Facebook feed the most.

The Black community has allowed politics to divide us in the ugliest way. And it is getting us fastly getting us nowhere. 

At the same time, White Republicans must understand that it is not unrepublican for us to acknowledge injustice or to disagree with some issues that we believe are bad business for people of color (not just Blacks). Black Republicans are independent thinkers. And if the party is going to grow, it must learn that about its non-white population.  


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