Sometimes life seems so full of stuff that it's hard to really enjoy the life that's around you. Every morning I wake up to NPR -and who would believe the garbage that can happens while some of the world sleeps. I guess just because I'm asleep does not mean stupid people will stop doing stupid things. Right? AT the gym I see CNN, MSNBC or Fox News and someone has done something stupid during the time I woke, had devotion, freshened up, got dress and drove to the gym. At work CNN sends me an alert that some buffoon has done something crazy. And on and on the day goes. Then there's the everyday stuff that happens to you. And life can be so stuffed with stuff.

That's when you come home and just breathe. A nice cup of tea, put on an LP (or your computer) of Benny Goodman, Lady Ella, the Duke or King Louise, Ershkin Hawkins (Joshua Bell works well too) and light a few candles and just relax. Then before you call it a night - stop and spend sometime thanking God for the breath that you still you breathe. After you've said thank you and you've taken the moment to read what He has to say - you just lie down, close your eyes and breathe.

Sometimes you just have to let the world take care of itself while you take care of you - while you take the time to BREATH. Just breeeeeeeeeeeeeeath. Ahhhhhhhh. Inhale, now exhale. That's it. Don't it just feel so good to just breath. Excuse me - I need to grab a cup of tea while I - you guessed it. Breathe.


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