Contradiction Has Become Our Game Plan

Houston - American citizens, over the past nine years, have become skilled in the art of debating nothing. We have learned how to be divisive with people we once considered friends and neighbors, and even more so with our own ideas.

We live in a society where contradictions of our beliefs and ideas are the norm. We are not in contradiction of others but of ourselves. It has become a consistent habit, found on both the left and right side of the political spectrum. We believe in what we claim we do not believe in and we don't believe in what we pretend to believe in. We have become an enemy to our friends, and friends to our enemies. And even more dreadful, we have become an enemy to ourselves.

We are people in search of our next argument, denying all facts that we claimed to believe in during our last one. We are happiest when we are destroying and belittling our fellow citizens, as if it will make us a stronger and greater society. We are unhappy when our fellow citizens are happy because it means we have failed at the opportunity to watch in delight their unhappiness weaken and destroy their very existence.

We, the American people, have become a specimen worthy to be study by the great thinkers of the world...we have become the very contradiction of ourselves.


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