Time To Expose Histories Lies And Rewrite the Narrative

New York -SURE THIS POST WILL BE TAKEN WRONG BY SOME: If the wrong person or people are allowed to control the full context of the narrative they can control how people value their roll in the WHOLE STORY.
A large portion of what we are taught in school to be American History is actually Euro-American History, as it contains very little of the contributions of the whole of her citizens. And this often serves the controlling population well, even some ignorantly.
However, the responsibility of injecting missing facts in the narrative is not totally the responsibility of the controlling interest, but also of those who have been left out. As it is also the responsibility to redefine the negative narratives that have been used to terrify the brilliantly ignorant segment of society.
For centuries, Jews where depicted as sneaky, cheating, greedy, lying, thieves, rapist, and Jesus killers. And now, those who for generations despised them stand in solidarity with them. Even as they returned to reclaim their homeland (and I get it that some still believe they don't belong in Palestine, not the point here) they were often seen as savage and brutal terrorist. But today, it is popular to say, "I stand with Israel!"...why because they changed the narrative and forced the hands of Euro-America to see them differently. It would have never happened left to the good o'l boys who champion their cause now.
For generations, Blacks (slaves, African-Americans or Negros) have been seen as a terror to this country if not controlled. Our narrative has been distorted and white washed. We have been left out of the history books - Paul River didn't ride alone, the first casualty of the Revolutionary War was not a British-American, Thomas Edison didn't invent the modern light bulb alone, the layout and development of modern cities (the District of Columbia and Chicago for example) were not done only by Euro-American men, all major wars were fought with Blacks giving just as much blood, The Black Panthers didn't kill 1% of the number of citizens as the KKK, modern scientific and technological advancements were accomplished in large part due to the minorities of this country and not the "ruling" majority.
Yet the narrative to does not express that...the lies that must be destroyed by Blacks - we are the largest recipients of welfare and government assistance, Black on Black crime is larger than White on White crime, our communities are crime infested (then why are more Whites moving into our communities), our schools are equal but our students are under performing...
The danger is not that Conservatives/Republicans (not all but too many use it as election propaganda), as well as Liberals, continue to sell this lie, but that Blacks continue to believe the lies. It's time we change the narrative we (pastors, educators, community leaders, and parents) tell our youth and children. Just as Jews have rewritten the narrative and changed the way they are seen, so we must right histories lies and rewrite the narrative of our community.


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