Education Monday #8
Houston - Humanity has cheated itself out of it's greatest asset, while competing with itself instead of
learning about itself. When we take the time to learn about those who are
different from us we increase in the knowledge about who we are as a whole.
Blacks are screaming that "Black History" should be taught in our
schools, while we choose not to invest in studying about Native Americans or
Mexican Americans. Whites have become shamed into white washing history,
cheating us of the reality of the story...the truth is there is no Black
History, White History, Mexican History and so on and's all American
History. We must stop cheating ourselves of the true story that binds us
together- the beautiful, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's time we give
rightful placement and investment in the contribution of each ethnicity in this
great story called American History...starting at home. #educationmonday