said we were the best! Happy Birthday!

It's been 3 weeks since my Grand said, "peace out!" LOL! I'm sure most people would think that statement sounds so not like my Grand. But I actually heard her say "deuces" several times to a young lady.

Today Margaret Brown, born Margarite Wiggins, would have been 86 years old.

One of my Grand's caretakers came to the office today. She had exchanged her usually spandex leggings and big shirt (and sometimes scrubs) for an outfit that would have made my Grand smile and ask, "And you who going to see?" followed by a wink and a chuckle. The caretaker said, "Today is my babies birthday. She would have been 86 years old. So I had to dress up for her...I'm going to celebrate just for her!"

As I considered the other day about writing this blog, I thought about one thing my Grand was known for but was often seen through the wrong lens. She was one proud woman. And every one knew that she knew we all knew she was proud.

However, what I appreciated about my Grands pride, was the pride she had in her family, mainly her descendants. No one was better than her babies or her babies' babies. She loved her family and didn't mind telling how they were the best. And if you didn't want to listen, well...let's just say you were going to listen.

But what I learned from her love and pride in her family is that she knew that if you don't celebrate what's yours no one else will! If I believed every thing that woman told me I would have believed that I was the best praise and worship leader, the best preacher and only God knows what else. But I always knew, if know one else was happy I was singing or preaching that feisty woman on the second row, middle section had my back.

My sister and I would laugh at how she always managed to make her "babies" the best when she talked about us. For instance, my sister was just finishing up college with a degree in nursing and entering the Navy as an officer. My Grand had told people that he grand baby was a Lieutenant in the Navy and soon to be a Lieutenant Commander. Man, did my sister and I laugh about that. A part from the extreme stretching of the truth, she let people know that her babies were and are the best.

I have to wonder how many people wish they had someone in their corner telling them that they were the best. "No matter if you have achieved 'that level' you are still the best." Of course, upon graduation my little sister was not a Lieutenant, but today she is a Lieutenant Commander. And I'm sure if my Grand were here she would say that my sister was better than all the others just because she was her granddaughter.

Let's make the people in our lives THE BEST!  No matter if anyone else agrees, and even if they seem to be a boat load of work away from being the best, let's tell them they are the best until they believe they are the best. Because if you don't celebrate yours, know one else will! Parents if you don't take pride in your children...

Love you Grand,

Your favorite best Grand-daughter ;-)


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