We are giving them OUR USA

Years ago when my little sister was in college at UofM, she introduced me to a delightful coffee chain - Caribou Coffee. They had the best hot apple drink called "hot apple blast". With the cold Michigan breeze and the smell of snow, this was the perfect drink. So each visit to the midwest from that point on called for a stop at a Caribou. While I'm a frequent Starbucks attendee, I will not say that they have the best barista's in the world. I mean when you find one who know how to make a drinkable cup, they are soon moved to another location. But I found every Caribou to have a wonderful tasting coffee, not just hot apple drinks.

Last year I made a much anticipated trip to the Twin City. As always, there are 2 must haves before I leave -  1. a pizza Athena from Pizza Luce  2. a few stop by Caribou Coffee starting with the airport location. On this trip I made a photo diary of each stop. And it appeared I came at the right time...they were just introducing their fall flavors. I think I had a coffee or two each of the five days I was there, concluding with one at the airport. 

Know that I had another trip coming up with a possible stop in Atlanta and on to Jacksonville, Florida I decided to look the chain up. As I began to move through the site I soon discovered that my favorite coffee chain had been sold to some company in the middle east. How disappointing, I thought.  How does greed continue to lead Americans to sell what's American...and to country who is not 100% our friends, more like friendly enemies. From that moment on I thought, I can't buy another Caribou Coffee - even though its better than Starbucks...and there are some nasty news on them as well - they are big supporters of gay and lesbian rights (can't win at all).

However, I though I would maybe cave in to my harsh edict of 'NEVER DRINKING ANOTHER CARIBOU!". But today I stopped by their site, I saw this trivia question on their home page:   With a name meaning "the island" in Arabic, what is al-Jazeera's nickname in English? Who cares! I mean do you really announce to us that, "YES, WE MUSLIMS ARE TAKING OVER YOUR COUNTRY! And we want you to learn about us!" LOL! Its a joke! Americans are supporting the take over of AMERICA! Our clothes are made overseas, our jobs have moved over seas, our oil is shipped from over seas, and our food chains are being run by people who sit in desk overseas. Someone please tell me what part of America is REALLY AMERICA! 


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