I am Roman (Catalan or Parisian)
I recently took a holiday to Europe - you know that place where some Americans are hated and others are loved. For the most part - they can be different from the "real people" here - ha!ha!
Well, in truth they are all different from one another. For instance, the Parisians are not French. No, really! They are just like New Yorkers (the city slickers) or Texans. The whole of the country revolves around them. France is to be Parisian and never the other way around.
Barcelona is not Spain. Spain could never live up to the standard of Barcelona. No, Barcelona is the blood that makes Spain the half backed country it is (not my opinion, of course). Barcelona is Catalan - never Spanish.
It is this crazy attitude that makes me love these two cities. They are so full of it - and everyone knows it but them. They are the pure breed of
their country (whatever that means). To be Parisian or Catalan is to be a Roman citizen born in Rome to Roman parents who serve the Roman government. Crap!crap! crap! But you just love it - if you have the confidence needed to survive in these places.
If life every gives you the gift to visit either of these places, take it. Those people from London, LA or New York are mer worms. The ego is what it is. And you either love them or, yea, puke your guts out and swear never to set foot there again. I guess you figured it out - I love them. Their noses are to far in the air (stuck up some lopsided...) to even see you anyway. So go, and have the time of your life. It's Europe after all.
Well, in truth they are all different from one another. For instance, the Parisians are not French. No, really! They are just like New Yorkers (the city slickers) or Texans. The whole of the country revolves around them. France is to be Parisian and never the other way around.
Barcelona is not Spain. Spain could never live up to the standard of Barcelona. No, Barcelona is the blood that makes Spain the half backed country it is (not my opinion, of course). Barcelona is Catalan - never Spanish.
It is this crazy attitude that makes me love these two cities. They are so full of it - and everyone knows it but them. They are the pure breed of
If life every gives you the gift to visit either of these places, take it. Those people from London, LA or New York are mer worms. The ego is what it is. And you either love them or, yea, puke your guts out and swear never to set foot there again. I guess you figured it out - I love them. Their noses are to far in the air (stuck up some lopsided...) to even see you anyway. So go, and have the time of your life. It's Europe after all.