Education Monday #7

Houston - Sometimes the greatest learning experience is when we take the time to remove ourselves from what we know, and volunteer our skills and talent to an area that we know very little about. You grow as an individual, your skills become more developed and fine tuned, and you introduce yourself to a world you didn't know you were needed in.

Secondly, we are often taught from the time of adolescence to find what we are good at, develop that skill, and make a career of it. But seldom are we encouraged to occasionally break free of our familiar, embrace the unknown, and try something new and outside of our knowledge of expertise. Maybe it's something that caught our attention and we gave it a brief try but because it wasn't a natural fit we tossed it aside. However, our curiosity was peeked for a reason. We shouldn't let the fact that this new something in our life will take a bit more learning scare us off. It is the learning process that will reveal more of who we are and allow us to grow as an individual. We may discover that what we do know and our new learning opportunity are a perfect match.

Open yourself up to learning new things and ideas, and find a place or thing to lend your skills to ( maybe for free) and watch yourself grow...‪#‎educationmonday‬


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