Yes I Believe #Blacklivesmatter...But To Whom

There has been much controversy over #Blackmatters protest. There are those who say it is racist and devisiv. Others say that it is meant to show that one community has been overlooked when it comes to receiving equal justice in America.

Is it insensitive to say #Alllivesmatter? Is it a slap in the face to say that #bluelivesmatter? Everyone is talking, but are we really having the needed conversation? Are Blacks engaging in the needed conversation amongst ourselves?

Yes, I have to say I totally agree 100 percent that Black lives do matter. However there is a big "BUT" to my side of the conversation. If Black lives don't really matter to me first, do I have a right to expect them to matter to anyone else? Black lives must matter first to Black lives.

#podcast #conversationwithamerica


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