Just because we share one thing...we don"t share everything

Thank God this bleeding election is over. And I do mean bleeding. In my opinion the whole thing was a farce..but I'll try to keep that to myself. It's this whole after thing that is getting on my nerves. People of the Darker nation have started acting like the people of the Lighter nation...all black people look alike syndrome. Every person of color did not vote for "the One". Please understand who we are - color classification- does not dictate who we vote for. It has been so amazing to have people from the Darker nation walk up and say the stupidity thing like, "do you feel the change?" Yea, the weather is getting a little colder - and by the way, I don't have any more money in the bank this morning and no new jobs were offered to me, I still...I mean give it a break people. I thought I was alone, but I've met others of "us" who are trying to figure out why these other folks are thinking like them folks think that we's all think the same and no of us can possible have a different opinion. Well guess what... we don't want chump change. Some of us want hard cold security that states that above all else...America is first, morals are important and reform comes with a price

So just because you see a person from the Darker Nation, don't raise your fist and shout change for the peeps...because when it all boils down to it, you may be the last to get the change that's left in the barrel. LOL!


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