When Our Terrorist Don't Fit Our Spin Profile

Houston - Americans have a very hard time accepting the unimaginable, that we actually produce home grown killers that do not fit our definition of terrorist. Our denial and justification is much like a naive wife who is can not except that her too friendly husband is an habitual adulterer. 

The American villain who terrorized the Austin, Texas area for over two weeks does not fit the proper Euro- American idea profile of a terrorist or thug. Unfortunately, he had to be a very troubled and disturbed young man despite living in one of the best cities in America. It is impossible to think that this young man could have been a vile, hateful, selfish, cold-hearted individual. It’s impossible; NEVER! After all he was a white Christian Republican who was homeschooled, sheltered from all of the pollution that has plague America’s urban  youths.

While over the past 8 years America has escaped much of the violence experienced by Europe at the hand of Muslim terrorist, we have suffered had the hands of our own citizens who have been bent on terrorizing communities and cities. Yet, we refuse to call the majority of them terrorist because they fail to fit our prejudice definition of terrorizing murderers. If they are not immigrants with Islamic ties, angry illegals, or young black men, we deem these killers as mentally disturbed and troubled individuals who were failed by the system. We excuse their behavior by blaming something or someone else for their hideous acts of terror, only to make way for the next ruthless thug to enact his plan on the next group of victims. 

I’m always amazed at how each American terrorist is thought to be some radical jihadist when the news first breaks. The speculations by certain communities is so expected that it is startling when they decide to be quiet, but then you realize that the victims of the terrorist act do not fit the profile of the usual victims of terrorism. Both sides of the political spectrum have played the game of creating the perfect terrorist profile. No one is exempt from having bias or prejudice when it comes to our mentality of condemning fellow Americans of terrorizing other Americans. However, our refusal to call out acts of hatred and evil committed by Americans is hypocritical, dangerous, divisive, and disturbing. 

It’s time that we put aside our biased definitions - no matter the skin color, community, religious affiliation, or gender if these individuals allow their hatred and evil hearts to bring them to a point where they are comfortable attacking, raping, killing or inciting fear in the hearts of their fellow Americans we must calling them by no other name but TERRORIST! 


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